UPDATE 4 February 2016 – McCarthy & Stone appeal REFUSED
Save Our Homes
Residents of Penwerris have received notification that McCarthy & Stone are appealing against Waverley Borough Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for a luxury block of 25 flats for over 55’s. The appeal has shocked residents who are desperately concerned that Penwerris on the Horsham Road will be bulldozed and that they will be homeless.
Cranleigh Parish Council members objected to the application by McCarthy & Stone and it was also rejected by Waverley Borough Council planners on several grounds. Full details are available on the Waverley planning portal.
Currently this Victorian house, part owned by Surrey County Council, is home to 21 low wage earners. It is Cranleigh’s only proper affordable housing. These people have nowhere else to go.
Please don’t let this happen.
Email your MP Anne Milton anne.milton.mp@parliament.uk and tell her what you think about this social cleansing.
We are waiting for the application to appear on the Planning Inspectorate website and will then add these details so that members of our community can also submit their objections online.
You can read more about the McCarthy & Stone application on our website