Parish Council Object to Amlets Lane

On 18 April Cranleigh Parish Council Planning Committee objected to the Full Planning application on Amlets Lane by Cala Homes.

Cala Homes currently have outline planning permission on the Amlets Lane site. Outline permission establishes just the principal of development on a site and states matters which are reserved for later approval.

A further application for Full, or Approval of Reserved Matters, which is what is going through now, is then required before any detailed work can go ahead.

A reserved matters application deals with some or all of the outstanding details of the outline application proposal, including :

  • The appearance of buildings and the estate in general.
  • Access roads.
  • Landscaping.
  • The layout of the housing estate.
  • The size of the buildings.

Cranleigh Parish Council is not a statutory consultee in the planning process.  They have a right to ask for copies of planning applications affecting their area and to express their views to Waverley Borough Council.

This is not the same as statutory consultation which takes place with, for example, the county planning authority (Surrey County Council), the highway authority, Environment Agency, English Heritage, Thames Water and others.

Several residents, as well as representatives of Cala Homes, attended the parish council meeting.  Residents voiced strong concerns, amongst which were safety on Amlets Lane, the drainage system, sewage capacity, and loss of privacy.

As we reported yesterday Thames Water has placed a Grampian style agreement on the application, this prevents the start of the development until off-site works have been completed on the sewerage network, which includes pipework and Cranleigh Sewage Works off the Elmbridge Road.

(You can read more about Grampian conditions in the Government’s Planning Practice Guidance, Paragraph: 009 Reference ID: 21a-009-20140306.).

You can still object to the Amlets Lane application via the Waverley Borough Council planning portal.

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