New Bramley Cycle Path

Would you like to see a new cycle path from Bramley to Guildford? Bramley Parish Council have published an online survey to assess demand for a clean, paved, commutable, direct cycle path to Guildford. The proposal is that this path would closely follow the A281 creating a safer and cleaner way to commute from Bramley to Guildford by bike.

The path would also benefit cyclists from Cranleigh who could join the new path at the junction of the Downs Link and the A281, or possibly at the roundabout in Bramley if the new path is able to start there. The precise route is to be decided later and, for now the council are hoping to establish that there is demand for such a path.

Please take the online survey and ask your friends and family to complete it too:

On behalf of Martin Foley (Bramley Parish Council)

The Image Of Bramley above was reproduced by kind permission of © Copyright Robin Webster and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

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Susan Thorne
Susan Thorne
27/05/2016 1:25 PM

I think that this would be useful in removing cyclist from the main road . These cyclists cause major congestion as busses and other large vehicles can’t pass the cyclists. All this depends on whether the cyclists actually use the track, often they do not use the cycle tracks such as the one to Ewhurst from Cranleigh and the one from Box Hill to Leatherhead. It should increase safety.