45% of Waverley Housing Coming Here!

Waverley’s Local Plan is due to go before the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee at Waverley on Monday, 27th June, 2016 7.00 pm which includes a recommendation for 45% (4, 455 houses) of Waverley’s total housing allocation to be dumped in Cranleigh and the surrounding villages.

This puts 1,520 houses in Cranleigh alone, which is 15.4% of the total allocation for the borough, and an increase in the total housing in the village of a massive 34%.

Then there’s a further 26.4% allocated to Dunsfold Aerodrome, bringing the total allocation between just these two areas to 42% of the entire housing for Waverley.

Waverley Local Plan Housing Allocation figures June 2016

Additional 335 houses are proposed in:

Alfold – 100 houses

Dunsfold (village) – 80 houses

Ewhurst – 65 houses

Bramley – 70 houses

Wonersh and Shamley Green – 20 houses

Waverley Borough Housing Allocation June 2016

This will result in almost 11,000 more people in this part of the borough, with another 9,000 cars on the rural road network.

You can read the full document going before the Committee next Monday by clicking on the link below:

6. The Amount and Location of Housing.

The Local Plan Part One will go out to consultation and we will keep you informed of its progress.

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David Osborne
David Osborne
21/06/2016 4:15 PM

A staggering number of houses proposed just after both Environmental and Water organisations have come down in favor of no building until the sewage issues are resolved.

If Cranleigh Waters are ‘full’ then how is it possible to expand sewage treatment needs by such a large factor?

Will we see a corresponding report on this key health and environment issue, let alone the water and road infrastructure??