One Resident’s View on Waverley Local Plan

A local resident’s view on Waverley’s Local Plan sent to the Cranleigh Society and copied to Brian Adams (Waverley Planning Portfolio Holder) and Anne Milton MP.

We would urge you to email or write with your views to: ,  (copy in your MP and the Cranleigh Society  and let them know what you think.


Waverley Borough Council Address:

Julia Potts and Brian Adams
Waverley Borough Council, The Burys, Godalming, GU7 1HR

MP Constituency Address:

Anne Milton MP
17a Home Farm, Loseley Park, Guildford, GU3 1HS

Resident’s email reproduced with permission:

Thanks for your email however the ‘Dumping letter’ although well written did not suggest an alternative which I feel is the crucial point.

What is wrong with the whole system is that it is trying to be solved by a 20 houses here and 100 houses there solution.

I can clearly see why this is attractive as developers will sign up readily to small manageable developments with no thought or plan to improve any of the infrastructure.

What is needed is a bold national government backed approach such as was the case for Milton Keynes Stevenage Crawley et al. Thought through plans for a new town with road links rail links hospital schools power sewage and water supply.

What is needed is a new town larger than Godalming with a population of 30,000. It would be sited between Tilford Rushmoor and Elsted have a rail link in from the London to Portsmouth Line, have a dual carriageway from the A3 and through to the A31 at Farnham. It would have its own schools, shops, water sewage power and fibre optic phone lines. More importantly it will be designed from a blank sheet of paper and not tacked onto to wreck communities that have already creaking infrastructures.

The problem is that no ‘small’ developer wants to build railways schools shops and utilities.

Yes it will impact the immediate area but the rest of Waverly will greatly benefit, traffic will flow, children will go to the schools of their choice and Cranleigh Dunsfold and Ewhurst will not be strangled by piecemeal development. More importantly it will solve at a stroke Waverley’s housing need for the next 15 years.

This needs bold government action but sadly as the last week in Westminster has clearly proved, they all seem to have feet of clay and would rather abrogate responsibility locally with the hope that it will go away.

Time for some radical ‘comes the hour comes the man’ action,
but has anyone the balls for it?

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Stephen McCready
Stephen McCready
07/07/2016 1:25 PM

Yes, I have the balls to do it!