Gate House Appeal Dismissed

The Appeal against the decision by Waverley Borough Council to refuse permission for an application WA/2015/2006 to demolish The Gate House, Knowle Lane, Cranleigh GU6 8RD and replace with 8 dwellings has been dismissed!

The Inspector was particularly concerned about whether the proposal would result in material harm to the living conditions of neighbouring occupiers, mainly Magnolia Cottage, Knowle Lane, with particular regard to outlook and visual impact, daylight and overlooking.  He also concluded that it was not in keeping with the local character.  We welcome his decision.

You can view a full copy of the Appeal decision here.

The Inspector’s conclusion was:

“45. Although I have found that there would be no material harm caused to employment land supply, heritage assets, parking and highway safety and flooding, the harm that I have found to character and appearance and to living conditions is significant, and is sufficient for me to find that the proposal conflicts with the development plan as a whole. Thus, for the reasons given above, I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed.”

You can read more about the application here in our article:

Gate House, Knowle Lane, Cranleigh

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David Weaver
David Weaver
11/12/2016 1:46 PM

Well done CranSoc! Lets hope he finds similar problems with Berkeley Homes impertinent application to build a “gated community” on Knowle Lane. I know what kind of ‘Gated Community’ I think Berkeley Homes should be in!