KPI application to be heard 15th March

Development Application: Land at West Cranleigh Nurseries and North of Knowle Park between Knowle Land and Alfold Road, CRANLEIGH

Reference : WA/2016/2207

This application is to be heard on 15 March 2017 7pm at Council Chamber, The Burys, Godalming

Objections need to be submitted by 10 March.

Your village needs you to object NOW.

The application is not materially different to the original that was refused 29/04/2016 and is now at appeal.  The reason for refusal remain and when an application is not materially different to that refused a period of 2 years must pass before a similar application can be considered.  To reflect on previous objections, the application is not sustainable, remains outside the village envelope, the proposed area is in flood zone 3, agricultural land, removal of employment land, should the other nearby applications commence the accumulation of traffic on the Alfold road, the density of housing is excessive, affordable housing reduced to 35%, the ‘Parkland’ remaining in perpetuity how will this be achieved.

Object today!

How to Object to Planning Applications

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Stephanie Taylor
Stephanie Taylor
07/03/2017 8:05 AM

I strongly object to the above planning application. This village cannot take any more pressure on the already congested roads, or the schools and health services. The drainage systems are struggling to cope as it is, with regular floods in the area causing misery to the residents. There is no proven need for all this extra housing, which will destroy our valuable green spaces and disperse any wild life here. It will also cause more and more air pollution, which we know is damaging to the health of our population, especially our children. All the brown-field areas should be utilised, before any green fields are destroyed.