One of our Facebook friends asked us to post a map of all the development in Cranleigh to indicate to residents the true scale of our problem.  Well here it is, hot off the Waverley Planning Maps website:

Cranleigh Planning Applications 2011 onwards

This only shows planning applications from 2011 onwards.  You will no doubt recognise the mega site south of the High Street which totals 765 new dwellings alone!  This includes Berkeley Homes 425 dwellings (spanning Knowle Lane to Alfold Road), Little Meadow (Alfold Road) 75 dwellings and the Knowle Park Initiative (A2 Dominion) 265 dwellings (Alfold Road as well!). We do not understand how Surrey Highways thinks the rural roads will cope, with the explosion of  houses Waverley has planned for this area. and how they believe road safety will not be compromised.

Those of you also concerned about the sewage and foul water from all of these houses, will no doubt be astonished to learn, as we were last week at a meeting in Guildford with Thames Water, that no provision has yet been made for the expansion of the sewage treatment works on Elmbridge Road and no consideration has been given to the river into which the effluent flows.  We have reported countless times that Cranleigh Waters now regularly dries up, yet apparently, according to the “experts” in their desktop studies, it can cope with double the number of houses, and double the amount of effluent being poured into it, yes another minimum of 4,455 new dwellings, without any pollution problems whatsoever!

Over the last couple of days, Residents have yet again been reporting to us more Thames Water contractor vans across the village (picture below opposite turning to Elm Park 5 June 2017).

Elm House opp Elm Park 5 June 2017

Thames Water confirmed it had spent £1M on new filters to improve the sewage treatment works for EXISTING residents only, but as yet have not secured funding, or designed the sewage works for the new loos, showers, dishwashers, washing machines etc in the pipeline for 1,300 new houses in Cranleigh, let alone the 2, 600 (Local Plan figure) for Dunsfold or 600+ on the Springbok Estate.  This is utter madness!!  And yet still more applications pile up – another 98 on the primary school sites and another 101 in phase 2 for the Crest Nicholson site off the Horsham Road, which some of you may have attended the consultation in the village for.  Does it end there?  No of course not the numbers just keep growing, whilst the certain environmental damage on our doorstep is being firmly ignored.

What legacy is this Waverley Borough Council leaving to the next generation of residents in Cranleigh?

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