On Monday the 24th of July, Anne Milton MP organised a meeting at the village hall that she described as a flood forum and it turned out to be much more than that. She brought together Waverley planners, Thames Water, the Environment Agency, the Drinking Water Inspectorate, Public Health England, Surrey County Council, the National Flood Forum, Cranleigh Parish Council and Cranleigh Civic Society to discuss openly several of the major concerns Cranleigh’s residents have raised with her. 65 members of the public came along and several parish and borough councillors also attended.

The plan was to address these concerns and direct them specifically to the authority responsible, so that the answers could be heard by all. We were very happy to hear sewerage problems, flooding and asbestos cement water pipes all discussed openly. It was always understood that the problems would not be resolved then and there but that efforts could be made to address them in the coming weeks and months.

To aid this, small sub committees were formed to work on specific areas and they will report back at the next meeting planned for the autumn. It was just the beginning of what will be a long term effort but a positive step and one that Cranleigh Civic Society welcomes. Members of the Society volunteered to join sub committees and share the information they have collected specific to each area so we will be close to the decision making process.

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david weaver
david weaver
24/07/2017 8:09 PM

A great big “thank you” to Cranleigh Civic Society. Your dedication, hard work and persistence has paid off. Sorry I was not there, but domestic pressures made it impossible

Tony Fox
Tony Fox
26/07/2017 9:40 PM

I felt Anne Milton’s meeting was very useful – up to a point, but didn’t go far enough – no mention of transport problems – narrow , clogged roads & miles from a station, or of lack of car parking provision. Any chance of getting these included in the follow-up meeting ?