action! Berkeley homes Appeal to Secretary of State

Berkeley homes have appealed to the secretary of state against Waverley Borough Council following the refusal of full planning permission.

Waverley approved outline planning permission with reserved matters (WA/2016/1625) for 425 dwellings but refused phase one details.  WA/2016/2160.

Waverley have forwarded all the representations made to them on the application to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant.

If you wish to make comments or modify/withdraw your previous representation, you can do so BY 5 OCTOBER 2017 at

or send 3 copies of your letter to: Neil Devereux, Zone 3N,         Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN

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Stephanie Taylor
Stephanie Taylor
05/09/2017 8:17 AM

Berkeley Homes have no interest in the lives of the residents of Cranleigh, and only care about making money from covering all our fields in concrete, and ruining our village with extra noise, traffic and pollution. We are being besieged with the building applications, and the building already going on, and life now is pretty unbearable, with all the lorries trundling through the High Street, and blocking up our lanes and hills. The ‘affordable’ housing excuse is now a sick joke, and the council should not allow any more applications to go through.

Brian Freeston
Brian Freeston
05/09/2017 12:54 PM

Objections were made on only the design and scale of the houses fronting onto Knowle Lane (4 or 5 in all). These were made to enhance and make the site more inclusive to the village scene. Unfortunately Berkeley’s were probably under the impression from the planning department that there would be no problem in getting the application through. So rather than understand and appreciate the impact this development will have on our village they prefer a more confrontational approach.