The venue is The Band Room in Village Way, Cranleigh, and the meeting starts at 10:30 am
This is the second meeting of Cranleigh Flood Forum chaired by Anne Milton MP. The issues Cranleigh Civic Society wishes to discuss include:
- Thakeham Homes, Elmbridge Road Planning Permission
- Illegal river dredging
- Water Quality (Cranleigh Waters)
- Asbestos Cement drinking water pipes
- Flood Risk in general
Please attend this meeting if you can. It is open to all Cranleigh residents, not just Cranleigh Civic Society members!
Please speak to your friends and neighbours as the more people who attend the more we can demonstrate the serious concerns we have in Cranleigh about the over development of our village and problems that lie ahead.
I’d add to that list – management of run-off from the Cranleigh Brickworks site. There’s a hose running from the site into one of the small local water courses. How polluted is that run-off, if it is run-off.