Dunsfold Planning Application Approved – What now?

Dunsfold Planning Application Approved – What now?

On the 29 March, the plan to build 1,800 homes in Dunsfold park was approved by the Secretary of State Sajid Javid despite heavy opposition from residents.

It’s time to put pressure on regarding the effects on infrastructure.

Get Surrey has reported that Councillors have expressed fear on Increased traffic and congestion in the area once the homes are built and included a map to show likely problem areas following the development.

Specifically mentioned is more traffic expected on an already busy A281, but other areas for concern include:

•    The partly single-track route from Dunsfold Park via Markwick Lane, Salt Lane and Station Road to the nearest railway station at Milford – this is also the quickest route to the A3;
•    The use of B2130 through Hascombe to Godalming, and onto Guildford; and
•    The roads through Hambledon towards Witley Station.

However, the increase of traffic on country lanes was assessed and deemed sustainable by transport planners.

Jim McAllister, Dunsfold Park Ltd’s chief executive said:

“The development of Dunsfold Aerodrome will provide homes for all sections of the community including young families currently priced out of the area, create new jobs and deliver a range of new community facilities together with infrastructure improvements. We look forward to working with Waverley Borough Council to progress the detail.”

What can be done now?

The pressure on infrastructure is the main concern affecting residents when any new housing development is approved.

If these developments effect you and your family, you can still make an impact. Cranleigh Society welcomes new members to help spread awareness and ensure our voices are heard. For further information email:

Further reading:

Join Cranleigh Civic Society

Get Surrey – The reaction after 1800 homes approved

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P A Reed
P A Reed
01/05/2018 4:23 PM

Sadly I fear we the residents can do nothing – the airfield owners will get rich , the developers will get rich and no doubt a few others too- The houses will be just as expensive and will not benefit local people and the price will be paid by existing residents in even lousier services from Surrey and Waverley and even more overstretched infrastructure ( Just as 1 example Waverley sees 1800 more households and immediately more or less closes down the local tip) Who on earth can possibly believe the local lanes are adequate to cope? So sad that our local government and national government are seemjingly so detached from reality.