Cranleigh in Bloom Centenary Garden

Updates from Cranleigh in Bloom…

Centenary Garden

Cranleigh Parish Council in association with Fields in Trust has dedicated a corner of Snoxhall Fields to be a tranquil natural woodland style Centenary Garden.

This special garden project is designed to honour local people who lost their lives over the past one hundred years in conflict as well as those who were left behind.

Work started in April and Cranleigh in Bloom will be involved with the planting and will help look after the garden.

You can find out more about this project on the Cranleigh Parish Council website at

South & South East in Bloom Awards

Cranleigh in Bloom have entered Cranleigh into the South & South East in Bloom Awards this year, hoping to win Gold again for Cranleigh.

Judging day is the 3rd July 2018, and in preparation the village must be litter and weed free!

We hope everyone will help make Cranleigh look as good as possible and as a result enjoy the benefits of a beautiful flower filled village for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Cranleigh in Bloom will also carry out their own judging during July and August, with a prize giving tea party to be held at Cranleigh Arts Centre on 19 September 2018 where the awards will be announced.

To find out how you can volunteer with Cranleigh in Bloom email or call 01483 274566 and speak to Andy or Martin. Find out more at

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