Your Response to the Waverley Local Plan?

Response to Waverley Council on their Public Consultation on the Waverley Local Plan (Part 2).

Deadline is 9th July.

The draft Local Plan, Part 2 considers:-

– Sites for Additional Housing in Cranleigh
- Proposed sites for Travellers in Cranleigh

– The Settlement Boundary for Cranleigh
- Housing Standards for New Housing

The objective of the consultation exercise is to clarify whether we as a village are in agreement with the proposed Policies.

It is important to consider the accuracy of the Council’s ‘statements of fact’, whether we object to the proposed policies or other proposals and if so, why.

Accordingly, whether you were able to attend either of  the exhibitions at the Arts Centre (31st May & 25th June) CCS invite you to let us know if you have any:

a. queries
b. concerns
c. comments or
d. objections to the proposals outlined in the Local Plan, Part 2 consultations.

CCS are compiling a list of comments and objections, which has to be lodged with the Council by Monday, 9th July.
We are happy to consider any points you would like to raise and to include them (if appropriate) in our representation to the Council.

Any objections should be supported with evidence, demonstrating how/why the Council’s proposed policies are inaccurate/incomplete/ill thought through.

Please email us before the deadline to be included.

Thank you

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28/06/2018 11:35 AM

We must not allow any further house building development to affect Cranleigh as the whole local infrastructure is totally unable to take anymore, enough is enough.
As to a site for travelers in the Cranleigh area this must not be allowed and avoided at all costs bearing in mind the trail of destruction they have left in various parts of the country as described in the national press today. This is a warning of what we would have to put up with if a site were allowed.

Fizz Williams
Fizz Williams
14/07/2018 6:24 PM

Very concerned about proposal for new leisure centre. Is this going to take yet more green field!!!