Your opportunity to question Waverley

The next meeting between Cranleigh Civic Society and Waverley will take place on Monday 29th October at 3pm.

Is there something you would like us to raise on your behalf? Please let us know ASAP, either by responding to this post or emailing We can then write to ask for a response on that day.

Many groups and individuals have concerns about how our elected Councillors and our paid for Council Officers make decisions on our behalf and spend the money they collect.

Some of the Questions we are pursuing:

  • What is the current rate of Borough Recycling to act a a base for comparison with future achievement ?
  • What are  proposals to improve communication to the Community ?
  • Can there be an Annual Presentation by the Council Leader – in say December – to all Resident/Community/Commercial Groups on the Council’s Objectives for the following Fiscal, with planned Expenditure /Rates ?
  • Please can CCS be included in the monthly report to the Parish Council on : Section 106 Funds unspent, Proposals for spending Section 106 Funds.
  • When the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan is finally approved, can the CCS be informed of the 25% of the CIL that will be available to the Neighbourhood Plan Committee to decide on ?
  • When will the Sewerage Plant be expanded to cope with the new houses in Cranleigh ?
  • What can be done to deal with the serious environmental problem of the Sewerage Plant discharge into Cranleigh Waters, especially when the hot weather has meant the flow is dry ?
  • When will the Waverley Infrastructure Delivery Schedule be updated, since there are so many information gaps ?

Questions on Planning, etc.

  • What is the genuine need for meetings between Developers and Councillors, and Developers and Officers?
  • Is Development in Waverley  transparent and understandable?
  • Could Pre- planning Appliations meetings be minuted, and published on the web where possible?
  • Can the Status of Planning Applications be updated promptly on the Planning web, so we can be informed promptly of decisions?
  • What is the proposed timetable for developing/replacing the Cranleigh Leisure Centre?
  • Are there any proposals to merge Councils in Surrey to achieve savings, as there are in many other Counties ?
  • Since the proposal to install an all-weather pitch at Cranleigh School is for a private commercial school, can these Section 106 funds be diverted to install an all-weather pitch on Cranleigh football fields ?

If you think there is anything we’ve missed, please take this opportunity to let us know and we will report on Waverley’s reply.

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Fizz Williams
Fizz Williams
08/10/2018 9:06 AM

Given the recent reduction in the housing figure requirements by OMS, when will these be applied locally and hence reduce the need for any more large developments.

What are they doing to increase the availability of social housing.

Now that it is known there is a risk of blue asbestos in our drinking water on some of the estates in Cranleigh, how quickly are these to be replaced.

Sue Dale
16/10/2018 10:20 AM
Reply to  Fizz Williams

thanks Fizz,
we are pursuing these lines and will let you know