Representatives from Cranleigh Society have been meeting regularly with Waverley Borough Council representatives to try and keep up to date with all the developments that effect our village, as well as giving us an opportunity to put your questions to them and try to help them to make better decisions and to share them more effectively.
Much was discussed, however we have added the main points from the minutes below:
Planning & Infrastructure
Cranleigh Society reported that at a meeting with four Surrey County Council Officers Cranleigh Society was advised that there were no funds to complete a study of the A281. CCS believes it is the role of the Neighbourhood Plan to get involved in every aspect.
It was confirmed that small funds have been awarded for the A281 as part of the upgrade improvement plan.
CCS asked for clarity regarding developers’ payments for infrastructure improvements – known as S106 and also CIL – for Dunsfold. WBC explained that the CIL Draft Charging Schedule was subject to extensive consultation by the Council during its preparation – and has now been passed and there will be an opportunity to collect extra funds from the end of March 2019 from some applications – but not Dunsfold.
Planning permission has already been granted by the Secretary of State for the development of 1800 of the allocated homes at Dunsfold Aerodrome.
The development includes the provision of extensive on-site facilities, as well as financial obligations and off-site infrastructure. n.b. this does not include recycling! The agreed Section 106 (S.106), is directly connected to its development and its impact. S.106 is the right mechanism they claim.
As highlighted by the Examiner, the CIL National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) also supports the approach of differentiating this strategic site (‘Zone C’), with a zero CIL rating. The Examiner concluded that “the zero CIL rating for ‘Zone C’ comprising this strategic site is supported by the evidence”.
The zero CIL rating at Dunsfold Aerodrome (‘Zone C’) will apply to the whole strategic allocation in Local Plan Part 1 (2600 homes). As recommended by the Examiner, “should the new settlement be considered for further future expansion beyond the current 2,600 unit allocation, as suggested by some, this is a matter that would need to be addressed at the relevant time by the Council”.
Asked why this adoption would not take place for some 6 months, WBC replied that there were several reasons including:
- Phasing
- Stakeholders have an interest
- To allow key developers to achieve planning permission
- To give the development industry a reasonable lead-in time
CCS raised the subject of WBC holding confidential meetings with Developers. We were advised that Pre-application meeting minutes are on the Council website and such discussions will always and should take place in private – that meetings with Developers are of a confidential nature and that it is correct that they should be allowed to do so. However, Ward Councillors are consulted and brought in at the appropriate stage.
WBC stated that since 2015 the rules regarding S106 monies have changed, requests for contributions now have to be more specific.
Waverley has invested in a new software system that will process historic S106 agreements over the past 5 years which will mean that information will be far more accessible in the future. It is hoped that this project will be completed by Christmas.
Thames Water
CCS said that the Thames Water permit (sewage capacity) expired in 2009 and that Thames Water has not come up with a feasible plan to deal with the phosphates etc. and that they are not going to carry out an upgrade of their permits. There is a need to lobby Government on this issue. WBC suggested reiterating in writing aspects of this issue as part of Grampian conditions.
Foul effluent flowing into Cranleigh Waters?
Thames Water has confirmed that only treated effluent is released into Cranleigh Waters in compliance with their discharge consent. WBC approached the Environment Agency for their views on this as they issue the discharge consent and monitor the situation. Awaiting a reply.
Major Projects
Terry Stewart enquired about the proposed programme for the Leisure Centre – detailed consultation will begin with support of external consultants to identify potential sites and is anticipated to conclude by March 2019. This consultation will include key local stakeholders and CCS will be included.
CCS asked the Leader about external communication with CCS. We were told that it would be helpful if CCS could communicate with:
- All Resident Associations
- Chamber of Commerce
- Park Mead
- Ward Councillors
- Parish Council
It was suggested that the next meeting could be held in Cranleigh and to also meet with the Parish Councillors. It was agreed to continue to arrange meetings every 4 months.
WBC suggested that a future agenda with the Parish Council could include:
- Key projects in Cranleigh
- Joined up lobbying
- Heritage assets
When asked about money available for repairs WBC responded that there is a need to think more creatively around grants for repairs for which Local Authorities are unable to apply for.
WBC reported that the Communications team are reviewing ideas for Newsletters and social media.
If they are looking for suitable sites for the leisure centre can we assume the decision has already been made that the current site will not be used?