Cranleigh “Rivers”

Cranleigh Rivers – Are you interested in country walks, finding water courses with a friend and seeing what you can find in the bottom of the water? Then please contact us and offer your help. thank you.

Cranleigh Waters is not a river or a stream. It is a network of brooks and rivulets which merge and then drain into the River Wey at Shalford.

Most of us will cross over one or more of the many tributaries of Cranleigh Waters on our way to school or village,  and will probably have noticed that the flow can be either a trickle or turgid surge – in other words ‘flashy’

Like most watercourses, pollution from agriculture and human activities can have a devastating effect on plants and animals which live within. The big question is whether we want Cranleigh Waters to be a flourishing habitat for wildlife or just a drain.

The Environment Agency , Surrey Wildlife Trust and others have granted monies to improve our waters this year but we need your help – whether measuring river “flies” (tiny lavae – great indicators of overall water quality) or building small structures to improve flow or just general tidying up.

Fish only thrive when the water is at good quality, providing an excellent habitat for the tiny creatures the fish eat. These tend to be water shrimps and the lavae of May flies etc.

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Andrew Blurton
Andrew Blurton
20/01/2019 11:46 AM

I would be interested in helping on this. I wouldn’t be up to measuring river flies etc, but would be happy to do general tidying up and help building structures to improve water flow. When I walk some of the paths that go past these streams, I have noticed how much they get clogged up when we have major rain. Often there are large branches and trees that block up some of the streams. I have cleared some of these in the past and am happy to clear them in a co-ordinated manner so that the streams run more smoothly and are generally tidier. I am presuming that this will be a better habitat for plants and small animals to grow as well. I am not available every day but could arrange some days regularly in advance to do this. I am replying on my normal e-mail address and my mobile is 07768 764338. Kind regards. Andrew Blurton

Simone Cunliffe-Lister
Simone Cunliffe-Lister
20/01/2019 5:50 PM

Please let me know what checking the streams entails
Simone Cunliffe-Lister

Charles Stoddart
Charles Stoddart
21/01/2019 11:54 AM

Who has the responsibility to clear the water way running through the land on the other side of Knowle Lane from Snoxhall?

This is blocked at several place with rubbish and should be cleared.

Liz Townsend
Liz Townsend
21/01/2019 12:02 PM

Craneigh Waters is classified as a main river by the Environment Agency.

Sue Hedges
Sue Hedges
23/01/2019 3:29 PM

Please be kind enough to advise what checking the rivers etc entails.
Many thanks