News! January 2019
NEXT CRANLEIGH SOCIETY SOCIAL – 11TH FEB from 6.30, Three Horseshoes. do join in any time –
Cranleigh Parish Council – have agreed some aspects of the planning application by Cranleigh School (Private) – we thought the land opposite Nottcuts was protected by the Neighbourhood Plan? Comments Please. They are not agreeing with the housing opposite Nottcuts apparently. phew!
Surrey County Council have allowed Farnham to keep their Recycling centre (tip).  Cranleigh’s Recycling centre will remain open for recycling for now – They will no longer accept ‘black bag’ waste, the waste that goes to landfill. This is how they intend to make enough savings to continue to keep Cranleigh recycling centre open. This will be monitored over the next 6 months but they were confident that enough saving could be made to keep our centre open.
Waverley and Cranleigh society – meetings to continue – what are you most concerned about at the moment?
FLOOD FORUM with Anne Milton MP – next one is soon – so please tell us if you have knowledge of sewerage coming up where it shouldn’t or flooding or other water issues.
RIVER FLY Lavae counts – we have had some training so help is always welcome. Thank you for offering, we will be in touch soon.
RIVER TIDYING – we need to find out more about this – we have been told that fallen branches etc. may be good in certain areas and NOT to remove them please.
RIVER QUALITY – our team will contact those who have shown interest soon, thank you
the Chair of Cranleigh Parish Council states that the meeting did NOT pass the application by Cranleigh School (private) – i wasn’t there so I was just reporting! sorry
When will Waverley stop dumping more house building in Cranleigh, enough is enough.
I understand that at the Guildford Council meeting last night The Cranleigh Recycling Centre was given a reprieve until 30th September, to allow for more time to find a solution – Failing that it will close on 1st October
You may already have this information.