It’s YOUR Cranleigh Plan – ACT NOW!

Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan has been published in draft form by Cranleigh Parish Council. 

It’s time to comment – this weekend!  – make your views felt.  On line at Cranleigh Parish Council or in their office (mornings) in Village Way. see below

What does it say?  It shows the new outline of the Village, and the places where housing is being built and can be built in the future.  There are comments about design and infrastructure.  Have a read and examine the pictures.

This is the Response of the Cranleigh Civic Society to the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan.

  1. Overview of Plan

The Plan is a very detailed, thorough and professional document that has benefited from the multiple consultations with the Cranleigh Community.

There are 21 POLICIES IN BLUE PANELS to agree to. There are many maps and photos to support the descriptions that lead to the policies.

Cranleigh Society – Specific Comments

  1. Dates

The Plan should state the formal start date of the Plan, since the allocation and monitoring of 1,700 houses in the Waverley Local Plan is central to the strategy. Is the year Fiscal or Calendar for accuracy ?

  1. Planning Approvals

The Plan should include a table of all the major Planning Approvals since the start date, stating the number of Affordable houses and number of Houses and Flats  included for each development, with Windfall Approvals shown separately. The table should show the number of houses completed for each site at a given date.  Any desired reductions in numbers of affordable homes on a development should be supported by a report from the developer and be audited as being accurately prepared by an independent quantity surveying firm acceptable to Cranleigh Parish Council.

  1. Incremental Houses

The Plan should include a policy on how applications should be treated for houses that are incremental to the required 1,700, with the priority policy for these incremental houses.

  1. House Size

The Plan should have a policy on the proportion of different house sizes : 1, 2,3 or 4 bed sizes and the proportion of affordable houses plus reasonably low rents and purchase prices.

5. Make Cranleigh SMART

The plan should include requirements to ensure support for those people with additional needs, the elderly, those who depend on wheels – wheelchairs, pushchairs, cycles, and provide for young people – for example on skateboards etc. too

So – what would YOU add ?  here are the links to make your voice heard


12 February 2019

After a lot of hard work our plan is now at a crucial stage and we need you to let us know what you think.

The plan has been developed from all the comments we have received so far and is now at the official Regulation 14 stage. You can read more about the stages of a Neighbourhood Plan here.

We are now consulting on this version of the plan, and its associated evidence base, to make sure that it reflects the aspirations of the local community whilst meeting its legal requirements and constraints before it is then submitted to Waverley Borough Council.

We are seeking views and comments from everyone that has an interest in the parish. Views and comments may relate to the proposed policies, the content/wording of the plan, whether the evidence base is appropriate/correct or whether anything is missing from the plan. If your comments do not fit into one of these categories please don’t worry – send us your comments anyway as we value your thoughts.

The deadline for submissions is 5.00pm on Tuesday 26 March 2019.

How do I comment?

You can submit your comments online clicking here or by using the forms here/Your_comments_25220.aspx PDF and Word versions of the form are available. If you have any problems filling in this form please get in touch.

Email your completed form to or post it to Cranleigh Parish Council, Council Office, Village Way, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8AF. It is really important that you tell us what you think.

What is this Consultation?

This consultation which you are invited to take part in is a formal public consultation in accordance with Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. It is a six-week consultation which runs from Tuesday 12 February 2019 until 5.00pm on Tuesday 26 March 2019.”

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John Davies
John Davies
15/03/2019 5:24 PM

Roads and sewage systems can barely cope now with the large number of houses being built it is likely to cause chaos.

Andrew Pearce
Andrew Pearce
18/03/2019 1:20 PM

Complete and utter chaos is my prediction. High Street is already becoming gridlocked. Cranleigh will be the Venice of Surrey! So sad. Ruined forever.