16th April 7.30pm Band Room Cranleigh Society Public Meeting & AGM

Speaking up for Cranleigh

Please come along – Tuesday 16th April 7.30pm Cranleigh Band Room, Village Way (beside the leisure centre) meeting & Annual General Meeting.

There will be a brief talk about the housing numbers and Neighbourhood plan. We will report on the year’s activities.  We will ask you to vote in new officers and agree on some working groups.

It is Vital for all members to attend  so that we can plan the future of our Society. We work towards ensuring we influence the authorities for the benefit of all of Cranleigh. 

Cranleigh Civic Society is  carrying on fighting to keep Cranleigh the special place we love – and we need your help.  Is there one topic you are particularly concerned about and perhaps knowledgeable about?  Would you work on one topic on behalf of the village with a small sociable group? 

We have reached a crunch point – so many topics – let’s continue to hold our representatives to account working hard to keep Cranleigh special.

Recent successes –

  • Highlighting Cranleigh to the Environment Agency regarding flooding,
  • Thames Water regarding burst pipes and possible problems with their old asbestos cement pipes,
  • working with Waverley to share problems,
  • working with other Civic societies in Waverley to encourage WBC to make useful changes,
  • working with Insurance companies at the top regarding new builds on flood plains,
  • visits by Anne Milton MP to hold the agencies to account
  • and much more. 

Do you keep track of the changes in and around our village?  Then help us all be aware, share and be strong. Our voices together as Cranleigh Civic Society are much stronger than individuals’. 

Come along to our meeting and AGM 16th April. Please bring your friends too. We will provide drinks and nibbles.  We look forward to seeing you.

Email to membership@cranleighsociety.org


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