EVIDENCE NEEDED by Task Group for Dumps – sorry – CRCs

EVIDENCE REQUIRED TO SAVE OUR DUMP! – sorry – Community Recycling Centre

We must prove somehow that we need the centre more than previously measured!  We must learn to use it for just recycling! So instead of just avoiding it or being even more careful with our lives and rubbish, we must present some evidence to keep it open!  Can you?  If so please send it to us and we will go to County Hall with the evidence! Or send straight to Cllr Andrew Povey Surrey County Council

We used to call it the dump – you know that place at the end of Elmbridge Road where the kind people helped us all with any kind of stuff we needed to get rid of.

Whether we are people helping old folk, our families or just clearing out the garage – we all need to clear out sometimes.   

Surrey County Council discovered that ours is one of 4 in Surrey that isn’t used as much as all the others.  They think they should just close it and save the money. 

Petitions, letters and conversations helped to get this postponed – so what now?

Surrey County Council Councillor Andrew Povey is Chairman of a task group. It is  tasked with finding out and reporting on the issues of the Community Recycling Centres around Surrey.

He has written to many interested parties to invite evidence around the CRCs.  He can, in due course, forward some of the paperwork to Cranleigh Society. 

If Cranleigh Civic Society would like to give evidence to the task group he can ensure that we are invited to County Hall to present the evidence. 

thank you!!!

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16/04/2019 9:35 AM

I use it at least weekly – garden waste (most often), plastics and metal (next most often), timber (next) and then all sorts of stuff. I can’t think of an aspect I haven’t used in the last three years. Whenever I go (unless it’s very early or late) there are always plenty of users present.

Sue Dale
16/04/2019 1:23 PM

Great comment David, Thankyou!

Sue Willis
Sue Willis
16/04/2019 8:02 PM

I have lots of photographs of fly tips at the top of Barhatch Lane (known as Windmill Plain) and rubbish that I have collected along the whole length of Barhatch Road/Lane over the past few months. Happy to send them to you if they would be helpful.

Sue Dale
16/04/2019 11:36 PM
Reply to  Sue Willis

HI Sue,
thank you yes please we need all the help we can get. ALso there is an online petition at SCC – For Cranleigh recycling centre https://petitions.surreycc.gov.uk/CranleighCRC/
kind regards,

Sue Willis
Sue Willis
17/04/2019 3:52 PM
Reply to  Sue Dale

I signed the petition a week or so ago but how do I send you the photos?

23/04/2019 1:32 PM

Is this not a public service ? how are we expected to shift items that won’t be collected ..I use it at least once a week for all kinds of stuff .Cant they keep it open if only for 2 days a week…I often queue so I can’t believe that they feel its under used.Fly tipping ..\down by the Nurseries, often and along that lane, also smith-wood common .As previous please advise how to send photos

Paul McKenna
Paul McKenna
24/04/2019 8:20 AM

This subject is getting extremely boring – how many petitions and how much evidence do you want ?
You are making it more awkward to use the centre from reduced hours to being very picky about what is taken – what’s next an assault course that you have to complete to get in ??
How much money will you actually save by closing it – publish some actual costs for the last 5 years.
How Green will Surrey County Council look if it is closed increasing all our carbon footprints by making us complete this ridiculous journey to either Witley or Slyfield Green ( at least they are green !! )