Proposed Relocation of Cranleigh Primary School – parking & access

Everyone is waiting – will Cranleigh Primary School finally be rebuilt? and will it be relocated onto Sports Fields? 

Cranleigh Society would like to hear your comments about this relocation and its implications regarding access and parking. Hopefully we can affect the best outcome for the benefit of all. We can still write to Surrey County Council and explain how we think this plan is going to affect Cranleigh and its residents. 

Cranleigh Parish Council and Waverley Borough Council have – at the moment – rejected the plans.   So Surrey County Council have gone back to the drawing board and are offering “improved” plans. They have consulted experts regarding the flood risks.  This site is alongside Nuthurst Stream and is in a flood zone. However the latest plans do address this problem.

The Site – is the 2 playing fields near to  Cranleigh Sports and Social Club, and the bowling club. (Guildford direction) – one for the buildings and the other for sports facilities.

According to the traffic assessors parents and carers who need to drive their children to school will continue to park their cars in the Church Rooms car park or around Parsonage Road.

Then they will walk with their children past Glebelands School to where the road joins with Rowland Road and along the footpath  at the entrance to the Sports and Social club, and the Bowling club.

The pupil entrance gate will be located at the far end of this footpath (about a 12 minute walk from the church rooms)

Alternatively, a quicker route is to park in the Stocklund Square car park and approach the entrance via the narrow footpath on the Common – opposite the Curry Inn.

Cranleigh Society would like to know if you support this move and if you know of families who will find the walk just fine, or if you are somewhat concerned about getting young children to school?   At this stage you can affect the best outcome of all the planning ideas – how would you suggest it is done really well for the benefit of all?  There will be a further committee meeting at Surrey and we are watching to see when it comes up.

To find out more go to – 

Waverley Borough Council / planning  / WA/2018/2044  = “GLEBELANDS SCHOOL, PARSONAGE ROAD,  CRANLEIGH, GU6 7AN – Consultation under regulation 3 for construction of a two and single storey building with associated car parking provision landscaping all-weather sports pitch and new access from parsonage road to provide a replacement for Cranleigh primary school.”

go to – DOCUMENTS – additional information SCC Ref 2018-0138 planning Cranleigh design & access statement Rev E

Surrey County Council has applied to Waverley Borough Council to build a new school for 600 pupils and 60 nursery places, and a specialist language centre.  The latest plans move the buildings away from the water and flood prone area – nearer to the houses on the Common.


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Mrs J Milton
Mrs J Milton
30/05/2019 5:26 PM

Living within the vicinity of Cranleigh Primary School, it is already very congested with cars dropping off and collecting their children. I note that in the report, it is thought that the church rooms car park is used for this purpose. Has it bee noted that Parsonage Road, Glebe Road and surrounding roads AND PAVEMENTS are currently used as a car park. It is concerning that little effort has been made to incorporate suitable provisions into the planned relocation. Also with all the new houses being built there will no doubt be more children and therefore more cars for ferrying them to the school – it will cause utter chaos. Early morning functions held at the Church Rooms are already suffering from this lack of provisions for parking.

Sue Dale
31/05/2019 5:55 PM

There may a suggestion of permitted parking in the Social Club car park, and of half and hour free parking at Stocklund Square