Burst Pipes? please share

Burst Pipes over recent months and years?  Please share –

message from Councillor Liz Townsend Those residents that came to the Flood Forum with Anne Milton MP will know that for some time I have been involved in an ongoing dialogue with Thames Water about the increasing number of burst water pipes in the village. Am attempting to create a map of the burst pipe areas to present to the next meeting. If over the past 2 years you have had a burst pipe near to your home, or place of work, or have had an interruption in your water supply, can you please post details here including the road name and if possible a rough idea when the issue occurred, or if you prefer you can email details to me on liz.townsend@waverley.gov.uk. Please don’t post your full address on here. Thank you for your help.”


Mains replacement Thames Water are putting in a bid – waiting  for more information.

SERA – Summerlands Residents Association – Thames Water have done some repairs, sections of pipe are being replaced – they are monitoring to see if it is stable or deteriorating – Thames Water needs to meet with Summerlands residents association including to improve relations.

OTHER BURST PIPES ISSUES – people said they really struggle to get sensible and uniform responses from on line, on the phone and the burst pipes teams, plus the burst pipe teams’ skills truly vary widely…

SURREY HIGHWAYS – SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL’S POTHOLES MANAGEMENT – their website is good – but Thames Water’s is very difficult to use, especially to pinpoint leaks!

AMLETS LANE and Cala Homes –  connected to mains supply and sewers. Thames Water carried out research – no need for improvements. Neighbouring residents are not satisfied. A trees officer is being consulted –regarding completing some tree work soon.    Water runs down the lane – but ground water control not needed says CALA – there are 6 balancing ponds – including on the western boundary ditch but the rate of the run off is the same as before. Surrey County Council agrees  that there is a leak which is not of CALA’s making, but there is a problem – local Highways officer – get in touch if it is a problem again. Slightly better on Barhatch Lane – there was leaking TW plate – still leaking further up, fields’ run off has stopped, water has stopped flowing down AMLETS lane.

RIPARIAN RIGHTS & DUTIES – DITCHES AND CULVERTS – it is the legal duty of every land owner to ensure all ditches, culverts, and streams that are on their land are kept free flowing and free of plants and rubbish.  If a property floods because of someone else’s failure to keep their waterways clean and clear then the land owner is liable for heavy fines. (Riparian duty of householders and land owners – “Any landowner or developer whose property adjoins or contains a natural watercourse should be aware of the system of rights and obligations along the length of the watercourse known as riparian rights. Developing or using land without giving due consideration to riparian rights can lead to problems”)

WHAT DOES GROUND LEVEL MEAN?  Is the Amlets’ Lane development higher than seemed on the planning permission?  When plans are presented for planning applications it is made clear how tall the overall buildings will be from ground level but never notes if the ground level is to be raised!

 ASBESTOS CEMENT WATER MAINS PIPES UPDATE – Anne Milton MP has followed up with Public Health England are reliant on W.H.O. research.  Research is on-going. Not much we can do from here and keeping up to date with the organisations is important – Environment Agency as well.  If 10s of 1000s of areas push for change more research will be done!   No studies have been carried out on ingested blue asbestos fibres – so no evidence has been looked for yet. A proper replacement programme of water pipes is needed to stop the constant problems with bursts and the constant health fear.

KERBS, GULLEYS, DRAINS AND VERGES  where water is unable to soak away and instead floods easily across roads people need to report and get the kerbs, drains and verges cleaned and cleared. Surrey County Council Highways!

COMPLETED HOUSES –  completed and signed off – 8 at Knowle lane Berkeleys, and Amlets 48 and 21 and 6 nearly ready, Little meadow 6,  Horsham road 52. Impact on the water system is considerable already – number of leaks – even though around 150 only completed.  A house had a flooded drive for 6 months.  All these leaks need to be recorded and reported in a meaningful way over at least 3 years to see clusters. Cranleigh Parish Council and Thames Water to action this. residents need to report.

HIGH STREET   Why has the High st been dug up 3 times recently?

Utilities dig up roads and they should be repaired as per the previous state – this is a big problem across the County.

WATER PRESSURE CHANGES – if water pressure changes people must report it straight away to Thames Water so that they can find out why and put it right.

WATER SUPPLY TANKERS  – these have been noticed across the summer – is Thames Water having to top up the reservoirs

ELMBRIDGE ROAD developments – the building seems to have slowed down and this is probably due to slow sales.

FISH PASS (passage)  project – WEY forward – trying to open up the river WEY for improved fish passage, also flood alleviation project. Low water flow is affecting water quality. The Environment Agency  is working alongside flood management projects.

SURREY WILDLIFE TRUST working to restore the rivers and streams, and to work with all other areas to join up the waterways and wildlife corridors. There is a sum of money allocated to a small stretch of this work to take place in Cranleigh.


SEWAGE WORKS – Upgrade discharge permits in line to comply with water framework.

THAKEHAM HOMES  They need to put in a pump – surcharge – protecting properties with a pump system rather than a gravity system because they are the lowest point in the catchment area/settlement. Storm tank capacity – Environment Agency agreed that there is sufficient storm tank capacity.

 Anne Milton MP charged all present to take the actions spoken of and report back at the next Flood Forum


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Brenda Tomlinson
Brenda Tomlinson
20/09/2019 1:29 PM

Reported persistent leak junction of Overford Drive and Hitherwood earlier this year. Probably May.

Sue Dale
24/09/2019 10:31 PM

thanks Brenda – did Thames Water respond quickly? There was a leak nearer to Horsham road too

Brenda Tomlinson
Brenda Tomlinson
11/10/2019 11:02 AM

Another leak on Overford Drive today. Just a few metres from the previous one. Thames water on site……lots of them.
11 October