Petition to tell Surrey CC we don’t want Cranleigh Primary Moved

Surrey County Council intends to gain planning permission to build housing on the sites of Cranleigh Primary School including the Infants and Nursery. They intend to build a new school on fields to the North of Glebelands school – if you are standing beside the Curry Inn and look across the Common, past the houses that’s where it will be. It would house more children from nursery age to 11. You can view the plans on the school’s website.

Most people don’t agree that the school should be replaced on a different site but are genuinely concerned that Surrey CC won’t afford the new build unless it sells the old sites. We need to insist to SCC that this is not good enough.  Furthermore – we are not convinced that the current building is safe and think SCC really should implement some repairs and renewals as soon as possible.  We believe the schools should be newly built on the old site, as well.

For these reasons we are putting up a petition which we hope enough people will engage with and sign, to try to bring our opinions to Surrey CC asap.  Please take action when you see the petition come round  – it will say –

We, the undersigned, petition the Surrey County Council not to relocate Cranleigh Primary School to the Glebelands playing fields but to rebuild the school on the present site.

The proposed relocation is unacceptable for the following reasons:

  • The new site has been deemed unsuitable for housing therefore not suitable for a school
  • Access to the Glebelands School site will be restricted and unsafe for young children who will have to walk up a long narrow footpath to the pupil entrance at the far end.
  • Vehicular access to the main entrance of the Glebelands site will be reserved for staff vehicles only. There will be no parking provision for parents nearby nor places to wait outside the school gate at school pickup time.
  • The Glebelands site will be further from the school bus stops and further from the new housing estates.
  • The Glebelands site is prone to flooding and will have to provide artificial grass whereas the present school site has plenty of natural grassy areas for play and sport.
  • with regard to climate change, the rebuilding of Cranleigh Primary School on its present site will have less environmental impact and be more sustainable.
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Margaret Plsnk
Margaret Plsnk
02/03/2020 2:09 PM

We, and SCC know that the proposed site is totally unsuitable for a new school. Reasons have been well publicised.
Putting another 90 plus houses on the current site is total madness.
They have got a site where the Longfield Home was, for development as it’s obvious it’s not going to be used for anything else.

Stephanie Taylor
Stephanie Taylor
02/03/2020 2:09 PM

No more schools , no more building now at all . The pollution in our once beautiful ‘village’ , must have increased a hundred fold during the last year and I now have to allow twenty minutes to get from one end of the village, to the other.

Catherine Gould
02/03/2020 8:25 PM

We don’t need more houses in Cranleigh.
Pupils at Glebeland’s School should be encouraged to use that land for gardening for example. Activities like these are important for physical and mental health in the day and age that we live in.

Anita Stewart
Anita Stewart
02/03/2020 3:10 PM

We don’t need more houses and glebelands don’t need to lose laying fields. The site is good as it is just update the facility

02/03/2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  Anita Stewart

We don’t need any more new houses in Cranleigh. Enough is enough!

Sarah Ball
Sarah Ball
02/03/2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  Anita Stewart

I feel that cranleigh has enough new homes built already, this is causing major flooding to the area making it sometimes and yes in recent months unable to leave the village. I also feel that the current upper school site has enough room and potential to house the new build it has parking for the staff and bus bays outside for drop off and pick ups which are done safely but this not going to be the case on the new site, which has nowhere to park for the coaches and it is not a safe entrance for staff or parents to walk there children in.

David Weaver
David Weaver
02/03/2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  Anita Stewart

This idea is a non starter. The plan simply does not work from every point of view. The move is not in the best interests of any of the people concerned, most of all the pupils, and Surrey needs to bite the bullet and find the money to rebuild the school on the existing site.

K Hollis
K Hollis
02/03/2020 3:22 PM

Save the fields… we need open spaces.

Paul Bickmore
Paul Bickmore
02/03/2020 5:48 PM

Parsonage road doesn’t need any more traffic !If any councilor had children at Gleblands they would agree they would be putting children’s lives at risk by building more housing on the old school site.
Further more Cranleigh has now got more traffic than it can cope with.
The roads are a disgrace and parking is a joke. Enough is enough!

Sue mellor
Sue mellor
03/03/2020 11:44 AM

This is a very unsatisfactory plan. Repositioning of the school on playing fields is really outrageous as this is a time we should be encouraging activity in our young people. The traffic chaos will cause enormous stress and disruption to all Parsonage Rd users . The strong possibility of a road accident should be of paramount concern.

Jenny McAteer
Jenny McAteer
04/03/2020 8:50 AM

The site is totally unsuitable. It is very wet and a long way from the road.
Glebelands will need all their facilities, as the school is bound to grow with all the developments allowed around Cranleigh. Please build on the same site and quickly as I understand that it is now not fit for purpose.

David Ware
David Ware
04/03/2020 5:45 PM

Please, no more houses for Cranleigh

Judy sproit
Judy sproit
05/03/2020 5:24 PM

The site it sits on now is more than adequate to accommodate a new school. Situate it at the back of the land nearer the back of the post office and have an American style drive through drop off where the reception now sits. It’s a no brainer really. Would totally solve the horrendous congestion that happens out side the present building. Could also let glebelands parent use drive through drop zone.. but I’m assuming the powers that be will pop poo this idea…
Ms J sproit parent of both glebelands and cranleigh c of e children

05/03/2020 5:28 PM

No more houses for Cranleigh! just who are these 1000’s of houses being built for? certainly not Cranleigh people. The idea that children will have to walk a long way to school and that there is no safe collection and drop off is not on. Repair and expand Cranleigh Primary school on the same site instead of building more houses on green fields and give the children somewhere to run and play outside.