Cranleigh Society Local news

Covid-19 is retreating here in Cranleigh – we hope everyone keeps up their carefulness and keeps this true!

Cranleigh Primary School –

Our MP Angela Richardson says she does not believe there are any Government grants available. We have sent our plans to Planning at Surrey County Council just in case! These show that it is entirely possible to build a new school building on the existing site. But of course Surrey won’t get the funds from selling the site for housing. So the Comunity gets stitched yet again no doubt. Please write to your MP, our County Councillor and keep the pressure on Surrey County Council if you agree.

Cranleigh Leisure Centre –

“We’re delighted to tell you that your centre is re-opening on 17th August 2020, subject to Council confirmation on 11th August.”

Community Radio –

We recorded another community radio session – you can access the podcast here

Ewhurst Road –

We have seen details of the sale of building plots between Swallow Tiles and Ewhurst. These appear to be highly speculative because CPC states that this is designated An Area of Ancient Woodland. Nonetheless we are trying to get Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) put on by Waverley BC.

FAIRHAVEN in the Ewhurst Road opposite the end of New Park Road has been granted permission to be pulled down and replaced with flats/maisonettes.  We had objected as had many others.  But it’s through. Waverley were able to put various conditions onto the planning permission grant …..  but still it has to go – sorry folks.

Builders and their Noise hours to be extended! – 1st July 2020 Waverley meeting minutes –

“Zac Ellwood, Head of Planning & Economic Development informed the Committee of new Government guidance on the fast track deemed consent route to temporarily amend planning restrictions on construction working hours. The aim was to enable urgent changes to construction working hours to support safe construction working in line with the Government’s latest social distancing guidance on construction and other outdoor work.
An approved application to vary construction site working hours would temporarily amend planning restrictions until 21 April 2021, or a specified earlier date agreed with the applicant.”

DownsLink / Railway Line discussions –

Some people report cycling from Cranleigh to Guildford along the railway line as being a great thing to do – some others agree but ask if it should be developed to enable all year round use and to be inclusive – actually ok for wheelchairs, pushchairs etc.  (like the Phoenix Way in Thame)

High Street money and development –

Cranleigh Society has not received any information about the ways forward that our Surrey County Councillor is able to enact, with money from the house building – what do you think would improve the High Street experience for you and people you care about – please tell us.

“The Paddock” – buildings –

planning permission being sought as we speak – there have been so many heated discussions about the rights and wrongs for this planning application.  Please do have your say directly on Waverley’s web site here 

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Margaret Plank
Margaret Plank
28/07/2020 5:31 PM

Almost without exception, letters supporting this development, still believe it is providing 16 hospital beds, free at the point of access. They are NOT hospital beds, they are long term care beds and users will be financially assessed in the usual way. Many also live some distance from the site and have no idea what adverse effects this will have on the immediate existing residential dwellings.
There is also no guaranteed partnership with HC-One and the only benefactor suffers ill health. Therefore no long term assurances for the future of this private project. It is simply another entrepreneurial venture to gain planning permission at the expense of the Cranleigh parishioners losing a green space which belonged to them and who were not consulted regarding it’s give away.

Sue Dale
31/07/2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  Margaret Plank

HI Margie, Thank you for reading our newsletter to the bottom!