Withdrawal of application WA/2018/2044 to relocate Cranleigh Primary School to Glebelands playing fields
Surrey County Council has taken on board the concerns of the Cranleigh Community regarding the relocation of the Cranleigh Primary School and has withdrawn the application! We take this as a success and hope you do too – thank you to all who spoke up against losing fields, gaining more housing and being appalled at the design of the school entrance.
Glebelands school playing fields are back in use for sport! . Glebelands school playing field, which was due to be built on, has now been reinstated as a U11 football pitch and is being used by the Cranleigh Community.
The main objection to the relocation was that the proposed site had restricted access and inappropriate location. It was agreed that the present site is the best location for the school and should be retained. Since the withdrawal of the application, work has been undertaken to repair the roof and renovate the toilet block.
Cranleigh Society looks forward to working with the Council and the school to find the funds to carry out further urgent repairs as soon as possible.
Glebelands school Governors have written to Liz Mills (SCC Education) to ask about strategy for schools in the area. Meeting with Councillor Iles to discuss education strategy along with the Heads of Glebelands and Cranleigh Primary School is now essential and Cranleigh Parish Council has a strong voice in protecting the school.
Regarding the removal of the hedge alongside the bowling green, we wonder whether Philip Roche (schools and major capital projects manager) is going to finish his ‘general maintenance work of the site which included pruning, clearing and safety works on the social club site and the public footpath’ The Council denied that the removal of the hedge had anything to do with widening the access to the proposed site yet, since the withdrawal of the application, they have left the access to the playing fields in a real mess and far from making it safe for the children, they have left it in a hazardous state. We can but keep trying….
best regards
Excellent News.
At long last Surrey CC have taken a sensible and common sense decision. They have also taken into account community views.
Fantastic news.
Good sense prevails at last.
Well done! Keep ip the good work.
Well done! Common sense prevails. All the hard work has paid off.
Val T on September 18, 2020 at 12:37 pm
Well done Cranleigh Society!
How marvellous!!!
Thankyou for your time, skills and hard work.
Please keep fighting for Cranleigh.
Grateful thanks
CONGRATULATIONS to the Civic Society TEAM. Perseverance with reasoned arguments sent to ALL who have any influence on the decision has won this outstanding result.
Key now is to get both County and Waverley Councils to agree a logical and prompt educational policy for Cranleigh that allows for the agreed growth of the Cranleigh population and families.
Stimulate both Surrey and Waverley Councils to drastically improve their communication
to ALL residents on this critical issue.