Government “Consultations” New Planning Laws are on the way

Please will you read some large Central Government ‘Consultations’ that will have serious impacts on all our lives –  and let us know if you are able to respond to them, what you think, how should we all proceed? Can you share with your friends and neighbours too?

They are about radical New Planning Laws in our future – replacing the current system.

Hello members and newsletter subscribers! Firstly thank you to those who contribute to our cause – we try to speak up for preserving what’s best about Cranleigh, and we really appreciate your support.

Here are the key calls to action now please:

Governments have been working towards changing the planning permissions process dramatically – they put in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and the Neighbourhood Plans, and they threatened local councils with being over ridden if they didn’t hurry up and get their Local Plans done – now there are many ‘consultations’ – here are the documents – our take on them to follow as soon as we can….

Number ONE – needs to be responded to by 1st October   please – 

“Changes to the Current Planning System” – read and respond here 

Number TWO – needs to be responded to by end of October please

“Planning for the Future” – read and respond here 

If nothing else we will sleep well trying to read them!

best regards


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Margaret Plank
Margaret Plank
18/09/2020 5:15 PM

We need to know exactly what is planned for us before we can comment properly. With our lack of infrastructure, highways issues, environmental and pollution issues, lack of railway station and transport, there could be many detrimental planning decisions that need positive and collective action in order to preserve a pollution free and healthy way of life for our families and children.