Neighbourhood Plan! Green fields going going …… and Berkeley homes update


Link to Cranleigh Parish Council’s draft document – click here –  please read and comment as soon as possible – lots of useful pictures there.

closes  16.59PM on FRIDAY 15 OCTOBER 2021 

housing is proposed (no planning applications yet) :-

• Land at Longfield, off Killicks – approximately 25 dwellings
• South of Amlets Lane – approximately 12 dwellings
• East of Longfields – approximately 12 dwellings
• Land off Amlets Place – approximately 13 dwellings
• Land off Bloggs Way – approximately 6 dwellings

CONSULTATION – Drop in sessions at Cranleigh Village Hall on

Thursday 23 September 2021 5.00pm – 7.00pm,

Thursday 30 September 2021 10.00am – 1.00pm

Saturday 02 October 2021 10.00am – 1.00pm.

“This is a formal consultation on the Pre-Submission Cranleigh Neighbourhood Development Plan in accordance with Regulation 14 Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. This consultation runs from 27 August 2021 until 5.00pm on 15 October 2021 and all documents are available on our website All responses to this consultation must be received in writing or via this online form prior to the end of the consultation period. Comments, alongside the name of the person that submitted the comment, will be published verbatim when the plan is submitted to Waverley Borough Council under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Anonymous responses, responses that contain inappropriate language, defamation or are deemed to be offensive will not be accepted. If your comment is not accepted we will notify you, so long as contact details have been provided and consent given for us to contact you”.

“In November 2020 Waverley Borough Council published a Land Availability Assessment (LAA) which
details all those sites within the borough of any significant size identified by Waverley as being
potentially available for future development. It followed several ‘call for sites’ organised by
Waverley for landowners to come forward and identify land for prospective future development.
Cranleigh is required to deliver a minimum of 1,700 new dwellings over the Local Plan period to
2032 (the same period as the Neighbourhood Plan). As at 1st April 2021, 1,641 new dwellings had
either been completed since the start of the Local Plan period (1st April 2013) or were classified as
outstanding permissions. This leaves a minimum of 59 dwellings to be delivered.
As part of the Neighbourhood Plan process an assessment was undertaken of all development sites
larger than 0.1 hectares. As a result of this process, five sites collectively totalling approximately 68
dwellings were considered suitable and have been allocated for development in the
Neighbourhood Plan”

If you would like to discuss the plan with a member of the Parish Council before submitting your response please come along.  You can also call in to the Parish Council Office, Village Way, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8AF to look at the documents 9:30am to 12:30pm Monday to Friday and at other times by appointment.View a printed copy of the Plan at Cranleigh Library and Fill in a Comments Form. Contact the Parish Council Clerk if you have any queries



Link to Cranleigh from the air showing the Berkeley homes building sites – click here.

Almost four years ago Berkeley Homes raised an appeal against the Waverley Borough Council’s decision to refuse Berkeley Homes permission to erect 425 dwellings on the land south of the high street between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane. Berkeley Homes subsequently won the appeal via the Planning Inspectorate giving it the approval for the project with conditions attached. The entirety of the Berkley Homes development is known as Leighwood Fields.

Many conditions were asked of Berkeley Homes, one was for the “reserved matters” which encompassed details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and these were required to be submitted to the local planning authority for approval before development could begin. Since then, Berkeley Homes have submitted and gained approval for their plans to develop Phase 1, which is the area stretching from Knowle Lane to the back of Stocklund Square. They have also gained approval to develop Phase 2 which is the site adjacent to Alfold Road.

All the 55 properties in Phase 1 have been constructed and occupiers have moved into these new homes. Phase 2, which accounted for 148 dwellings, was split into Phase 2.1 (18 homes) and 2.2 (130 homes) and the details submitted have been approved by the Planning Committee and many of these dwellings have been built and been occupied.

Berkeley Homes has now sought approval for the details of Phase 3 of the development which extends from the Phase 2 properties all the way to the land south of the end of Sainsbury’s Carpark. Phase 3 will contain 197 dwellings and is the largest of all the four phases. The decision on the details of the “reserved matters” for the properties of Phase 3 is still pending, though a decision should be expected shortly.

There is currently no information about Phase 4 which will sit in the area between Phases 1 and 3. However, it shall include the rest of the 425 homes which permission was originally given for Berkeley Homes to develop.

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Lynne Rose
Lynne Rose
15/09/2021 2:56 PM

Berkeley homes seem to be taking over Cranleigh. How much more? Its ridiculous the amount of building going on. Cranleigh can no longer be called a village. We don’t stand a chance! Time to move out

Sue Dale
25/09/2021 4:47 PM
Reply to  Lynne Rose

Lynne Rose, it’s true that although Cranleigh thinks of itself as a village the area is now a large town, with the village element just the old properties along the High Street.
There are several large building developments building at least 1800 dwellings across town making the built up envelope larger than it was.
There is nothing we can do about it except try to influence the Cranleigh Neighbourhood plan and also Waverley borough council’s Local Plan part 2.
if these plans were in place at least it would stop more building than had been agreed to in those plans.

21/10/2021 10:59 AM

Why is it so important that Cranleigh as a village? What is important is that the quality of life in Cranleigh is improved which is the topic open to debate how best to achieve.