Cranleigh’s High Street – improvements

High Street Cranleigh improvements consultation coming soon

With all the housing that has been built in and around Cranleigh residents are keen to see some financial investment in the village – tax money well spent.  So who decides what and where – it’s complicated!  The developers decide early on in the project which improvements to the village they would like to contribute to with the help of ideas from the Councils and Councillors. So the origin of such schemes is historic.  Moving on Councillors change and new people get involved if we are lucky, making sure excellent schemes take place.

What are the problems that Cranleigh High Street has?

1. When driving towards Cranleigh from any direction it isn’t obvious that a busy village is coming up and that drivers should slow right down and take extra care – called a physical gateway many towns and villages have warnings.  What would you like them to be like – signs, barriers?

2. The footpaths in several spots along the High Street are narrow and also in poor condition.  Walking along do you feel like you take your life in your hands and if so exactly where – and what would you suggest to fix those points?

3. Cranleigh does suffer when there are rain deluges, the rain just can’t escape fast enough.  There are several places where the council’s (Surrey) kerbs have been dropped and they gather huge puddles.  How do you suggest they could be dealt with and does it stop you going to the village when it rains?

4. Do you think more people would pop to Cranleigh on bikes if there were more bike racks?

5. When people are new to Cranleigh do they find it difficult to find what is around?  Do we need better signposting?  Could you explain to newcomers where the Snoxhall fields are, or the Downs Link cycle and walkway?  Any other ideas?

The aims are to improve the public realm in Cranleigh, creating a high-quality High Street which is attractive, safe and provides usable public space for a wide range of activities. By improving the public realm, the hope is that the overall experience for residents, visitors and workers will be improved and encourage people to spend more time in Cranleigh.

The project focusses on pedestrian and cycling safety improvements along Cranleigh High Street, between Horseshoe Lane and Ewhurst Road, and some of focus areas are:

  • Improving pedestrian crossings in key places
  • Promoting active travel with wider footways and the introduction of additional cycle facilities
  • Improving accessibility for all road users, with the introduction of raised tables and junction improvements
  • Widening and improving the footways
  • Introducing more seating and green infrastructure to the area
  • Introducing flood alleviation measures, perhaps Rain Gardens




best regards


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Brian Winfield
Brian Winfield
06/10/2022 6:50 AM

The developments that would promote more cycling are better cycleways. The cycleway from Ewhurst needs to be extended beyond Parkmead, the Downs Link surface from Baynards needs to be made into an all weather surface which extends into and beyond Cranleigh towards Bramley.

Donna Gorin
Donna Gorin
06/10/2022 9:25 AM

In order to increase safety on the High Street, more consideration needs to be given to approaching routes. For example, improving the footpath on the Guildford Road (maybe to include a cycle path) would encourage more people to walk/cycle into the village rather than driving.

Tim Reynolds
Tim Reynolds
06/10/2022 5:10 PM
Reply to  Donna Gorin

We need
A) more traffic calming measures
B) the road in front of the Onslow, and Chinese should be turned into pedestrian walkway and seating
C) Sainsburys needs updating and modernising
D) the downs link needs tarmacacing and lighting
E) all the pathways around the village needs resurfacing as they are very uneven in places

Sue Dale
06/10/2022 10:46 AM

Margi Plank says – Agree totally with all.
However, with the huge growth of Cranleigh our transport services need a total overhaul. Time for our railway station to be brought back. Serious consideration for this.
Doctors and medical facilities to be brought into line with increased patient numbers. Delays in appointments are causing people to use A & E at the RSCH in Guildford.
Condition of all roads – they are a disgrace in this day and age. Waterworks and Broadband never seem to return them to good order.

Ian Latimer
Ian Latimer
06/10/2022 11:05 AM

The very thing we need to sort out is not mentioned in these emails is traffic flow through the High Street because the weight of traffic is so heavy and getting busier that it sometimes can take you 5 to 10 minutes to get through the High Street especially when a vehicle is unloading.
I would suggest we build more car parks and stop parking in the High street and even a park and ride somewhere on outskirts of Cranleigh because Cranleigh is hardly a village any more but more like a small town.

David Hansell
David Hansell
06/10/2022 1:39 PM

4. Some bike racks in Stocklund Squ would be useful. 5. enhanced local signage much to be welcomed.

Stephen Harding
Stephen Harding
06/10/2022 3:59 PM

People will not use bikes to pop into Cranleigh if there are more bike racks! I have never seen a bike parked in the new racks in Village Way car park – a waste of money. If councils are serious about people and families ditching cars and using other means of transport (walking and cycling), then they need to think more seriously about providing proper infrastructure. The ‘cycle path’ between Cranleigh and Ewhurst is useless as it starts out of Cranleigh and finishes before Ewhurst. So, families have to cycle along a busy road before and after reaching either village. Hardly an encouragement! The designers of our cycle routes need to look at countries who have successfully achieved a good use of alternative transport. At the moment our councils just seem to have a box ticking mentality!

Agree with comment above – ban parking along the high street. Add a few speed bumps to keep car drivers aware of the new 20mph limit. Add a few flashing signs to warn about the 20mph limit.

All of the above should be within the existing remit of the councils. Any money from developers – and there should be £100s of thousands – should be used to enhance the village and not subsidise the councils.

geoffrey trigg
geoffrey trigg
06/10/2022 6:25 PM

Bike racks in the village way car park a complete wast of money have not seen one in it since it was installed even on market day when it is a busey time.

Ian Latimer
Ian Latimer
08/10/2022 11:53 AM

I do not agree on comment made by Tim Reynolds about the Downs Link needing tarmacing
and lighting as it would not be in keeping with the countryside we have already and it would become like a race track as some cyclists ride far to fast along this route
especially as there are lots of ramblers and dog walkers . We have enough man made constructions especially new housing already so leave what countryside we have alone.

Tim Reynolds
Tim Reynolds
08/10/2022 2:47 PM

Although I agree in part with your comment the downs link between the railway bridge and Stocklands Square is very uneven for tye elderly and infirm that wish to walk to the village also at night or evening in the winter for those walking back fro the village can’t use the downs link because there is no light and uneven surface makes it dangerous and is also not good for the ladies

09/10/2022 7:37 PM

To encourage more people to come to Cranleigh to shop would it be possible to have half an hours free parking in the car parks?

My husband and I cycle into the village a great deal from Horse Shoe Lane, but we do find it very scary on the roads! A cycle path shared with pedestrians would be so useful so that cyclists can cycle safely into Cranleigh and on to Ewhurst.
I do use the Downs Link to get to the Leisure Centre and the Medical centre which I feel is safer than going on the road.

Jenny McAteer
Jenny McAteer
12/07/2023 4:23 PM

I thought we had plenty of signage around the village for various places.
We have enough crossings in the village.
and when except during the evening can we drive at more than 20 mph.
Knowle Lane junction could do with improving but as the High Street is narrow, I am not sure what can be done. Half hour free parking would be a good idea and reduced parking along the main road would help I am sure. It would mean that we would not have to stop every time a large vehicle appears. Perhaps a cycle path along the Common would help cyclists. We have narrow roads and pavements which can’t be changed very well.

Hilary Smith Tesfaye
Hilary Smith Tesfaye
22/09/2023 9:51 AM

I agree with the comments that the bike racks in Village Way car park are never used. I also have seen few, if any, cyclists using the Cranleigh to Ewhurst cycle path. Furthermore, it annoys me that cyclists don’t use the cycle filter lane around the Swallowhurst roundabout, but struggle to pedal up the incline, causing a hazard for motorists.