Hundreds of people have visited the library, have reacted on nextdoor and on facebook – BUT only completed surveys will be counted. Library display will be removed tomorrow – Tuesday 8th November between 10 and 11 am.
If Surrey Council can make the case for attracting enough funding to make some changes to Cranleigh High Street they will put in place what they think the public want. The ideas are to promote lowering car use, and increase in spending in the High Street, making it a better place to visit and walk around. Cranleigh Society committee have their own views! here is what it says on the website – you get a chance to agree or disagree, and to comment further.
‘Surrey County Council is proposing to make changes to Cranleigh High Street to improve road safety and enhance public spaces. The project will look at two junctions at either end of the High Street, Horseshoe junction and Obelisk junction, as well as updating and enhancing some of the public spaces along the High Street itself. We want to know your opinions on the proposed improvements along in Cranleigh. Please note: these designs are subject to change following this public consultation and technical surveys.
Fountain Square proposal
Fountain Square is the heart of the village, but currently it’s not fulfilling its potential. We’ve listened to residents and propose to make some changes to improve the area. These changes include:
- timed pedestrianization
- wider and repaved pavements
- removing unnecessary street clutter
- new planting and trees
- space for public seating and outside dining
- more cycle parking
- relocate the bus stop
To make space for these improvements, some of the on-street parking will be removed, but the number of parking spaces available for Blue Badge holders will remain the same. A parking survey conducted recently on Stocklund and Village Way car parks showed they were only filled to 50% capacity on a weekday and 75% capacity on a weekend, so we believe there will still be plenty of car parking spaces in the village.
Pedestrianizing Fountain Square The possibility of pedestrianizing Fountain Square is something that many people in the village are very passionate about. Surrey County Council are proposing to restrict vehicles from driving through Fountain Square from Friday to Sunday (including bank holidays). During these days parking will not be permitted in Fountain Square. Why Pedestrianization? There has been a request for more open space in Fountain Square area to allow for weekend markets stalls, more seating and more cycle infrastructure. By pedestrianizing Fountain Square, the cafes, restaurants and the local pub will be able to use this space for outside dining (licence permitting). We’ve provided detailed plans, below, along with artist’s illustrations of how Fountain Square could look. Please take a look and provide your feedback.
Post Office open space improvements
Similar to Fountain Square, the space outside the Post Office on the High Street could be used more effectively for the benefit of Cranleigh residents. Improvements being suggested include:
- pedestrianize the area outside the Post Office
- change the existing mini round about on Village Way road into a raised priority junction
- improving pedestrian crossings in key places
- wider and repaved pavements
- new cycle facilities
- junction improvements with raised tables
- seating areas for residents to meet and relax
- planting and greenery
- localised flood alleviation measures such as rain gardens
The proposed changes will result in some of the on-street parking being removed, but the number of Blue Badge parking spaces will remain the same. A parking survey conducted recently on Stocklund and Village Way car parks showed they were only filled to 50% capacity on a weekday and 75% capacity on a weekend, so we believe there will still be plenty of car parking spaces in the village.
Junction Improvements –
Horseshoe Lane & Ewhurst RoadJunction About the Junction improvements – Ewhurst (Obelisk) Junction To help make the junction safer for pedestrians and improve the flow of the traffic, we propose to make some minor adjustments to the kerbs to widen pavements, add some crossing islands and some tactile paving.
Commonplace connects you to the people who create the places where you live, work and play. A platform to speak and be heard by developers, councils, and public bodies to initiate better decisions and places for all.
You asked, we listened…In July 2022, the Placemaking Team went out into Cranleigh High Street to collect local insight on what we all love about Cranleigh and what could be improved in the future.
Both Cranleigh residents and those visiting Cranleigh for work or leisure were invited to complete an online survey to capture everyone’s opinions about the current condition of the High Street and what types of improvements you all would support. In total, the survey received 468 responses, with nearly 9 out of 10 respondents being local residents (88.7% reported living in the area.) Many of these responses shared a similar theme: stronger vehicle restrictions. This included removing parking spaces along the High Street, slower speed limits, pedestrianisation, and more double yellow lines. In particular, these respondents wanted improvements to Stocklund Square (many mentioned the fountains) and to close the road (High St) in front of Richard Onslow to vehicles in order to make it pedestrian only. Among this group there was a general concern about traffic and parking on the High Street. Stocklund Square is privately owned and not publicly maintained.’
remember – complete the survey to be heard
click here
Anything to improve the appearance of Cranleigh High Street, the pavement and road is very welcome. Love the idea of the small roads being turned into pedestrian areas.
Perhaps Waverley BC might consider 30 minute free parking in both Car Parks to encourage shoppers.
Cranleigh High Street in general needs “face lifts” Cranleigh is no longer village it is becoming a small town and it needs to reflect this change.
Removal of parking places near Post Office and suggested changes to that area are NOT an improvement, removal of parking places in the high street is a backward step for older people and shop owners, reduction in ways of crossing the high street is a safety issue for all, funds spent on plant containers is not justified, also feel some road changes are actually dangerous, there is plenty of space currently for eating out, which is a dubious advantage for the village as a whole anyway. The High Street does need to address traffic flow beyond the Sainsbury turnoff, which is too narrow, but not clear that this plan does so.
Cranleigh, Remove all on road parking from the High Street, Free or cheaper parking in the Village car parks. With offenders being penalised by parking fines.
remove the 20mph speed limit, I cannot remember the last time I actually reached 20mph going through Cranleigh. Tidy up all Common Areas and make the Village more attractive.
Removal of the traffic islands would be detrimental to everyone trying to cross the High Street whilst shopping. The Post Office slip road is useful for anyone just posting a letter so why remove it. Bus bays being used by buses actually helps the flow of traffic so keep them.
More consultation is required before any changes are put in place.
We hear that suggestions are requested in support of the National plan to plant more trees. It is good to see where this has been done; could we make a further request regarding the open field at the top of Avenue Road & Longpoles Road.
The field is too uneven for children to play, and the area seems to be used only by walkers and dog owners. We feel that trees are needed and perhaps this could be made more of a ‘parkland’. It would of course look attractive and consequently used by more people.