Thank you! and Happy Christmas

Successful open meeting and AGM on 7th December!

Thankyou to all those who support Cranleigh Civic Society and those who came out in the cold to attend our meeting.  We welcomed them with hot drinks and biscuits and an opportunity to see plans and information, and talk to the team.  Finances are sound, membership ticking over, more membership funds would be very welcome – used for insurances, room hire and website.

We voted in the team including Chair Trevor Dale, Secretary Sue Dale and Treasurer Diane Littlewood.  We would really enjoy welcoming new members to the team – are you good at research and perhaps picking up the phone to find things out? Or would you be able to help with desk/computer based work, perhaps accounts?

Chairman Trevor spoke about all the issues the team have worked on throughout the year and continues to look at.

News about Napper Cottage project – the cottage at the front of Cranleigh Village Hospital

BIG news – we heard from the Trustees of Cranleigh Heritage Trust, who have been working under Cranleigh Civic Society, that their 2 years of hard work on the feasibility study is complete and that it is possible to conserve and use the cottage at the front of Cranleigh Village Hospital – working title NAPPER COTTAGE -Heritage Cottage at Cranleigh Village Hospital!  Massive thanks to all the team!!!  We are actively seeking 3 more talented Trustees to work on the National Lottery Heritage fund application and bring the place to life before too long!

The members were asked to vote on splitting Cranleigh Heritage Trust from Cranleigh Civic Society in order to progress the work – all agreed.  There will be a new website and new subscriptions to support the team – as before – to pay for insurances, room hire and website.

Local infrastructure news

Planning – We heard from our team’s retired architect Bob about how CCS scrutinises planning applications and suggests you all follow up too when there are problems with a plan.

We heard about several items of news from Councillor Liz Townsend BEM – Leisure centre, tennis courts, trees, Thames water, Elmbridge road bridge repairs, High Street proposals to name a few.  She briefly explained that many people ask for improvements over the years and that these are how councillors get ideas for how to spend developers’ contributions. Many thanks to Liz who was visibly tired but very enthusiastic, supportive and informative as ever.

Elections next May – become a councillor? 

We heard about the forthcoming elections – May 4th 2023 – from Clerk to Cranleigh Parish Council Beverley Bell. Beverley put in a plea for new enthusiastic people to come forward and apply to become Councillors to represent either part of Cranleigh Parish or part of Waverley Borough.  Is this you?  If so please contact Beverley –  and she will direct you.  It involves helping to find things out by extensively reading and also networking with other councillors, officers and public, then helping to make decisions – fun?

The Parish Council does their best to keep their web site very interesting and relevant – e.g. click here  

News about Knowle Park

The park is hoping to have a ‘soft’ opening by the end of May 2023 then a full official opening by the end of the year.  The planting will be protected until then.

That’s about it 

Attendees asked many very useful questions during the evening – thank you – and all will be followed up on.

The meeting ended just after 9pm with good humour and smiles.  Thank you!

We wish you all a warm Christmas and hope you find people to help if they need it – remember there are several WARM HUBS in Cranleigh – places that make you welcome and keep you warm, so you can leave the heating off at home for a while. see this link here on Waverley’s web site for more information


4th Wednesday in each month at The Three Horseshoes pub – in the back bar – including 28th December – from about 6pm – do come and join in and maybe order some food.  We tend to have team meetings beforehand then on to the pub so we can meet up with you!

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