Cranleigh Society meet ups

Hello, we usually have monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of each month, then go to the Three Horseshoes to chat and share with some of our members and followers.

Due to all sorts of reasons our monthly meeting tomorrow – 24 May – will not go ahead. 

So sorry.  BUT you could go to the pub at 6 and chat to each other? 

News – the Application by Cranleigh Heritage Trust for a large National Lottery Heritage Fund Grant has been submitted!  This was the work of a team including the Cranleigh Society Team, of 9 dedicated people.  If awarded the 15th Century Cottage at the front of Cranleigh Hospital will be saved and opened.  But it will take another year of work to bring this about.  There will be a new web site in June and social media so that you can all support, make your ideas known and get involved.  We have kept your views to date too – thank you.  The work will save the NHS money and the team will work with the community to bring further services and opportunities to Cranleigh in this much loved Old Hospital Cottage – the first Cottage Hospital of its kind in England.  Please do not confuse this effort with others working on our behalf too – the League of Friends and SMART Cranleigh are working with the NHS to bring more medical services to Cranleigh, and the hospital is open and provides all sorts of good services 9-5 daily.  Other money raised to bring beds back to Cranleigh?  not a success, sadly, and no news there.

Outcomes hoped for:

  1.  The spaces will be made attractive for renting out some of the time, to bring in money to keep the building open.
  2. Heritage archives, pictures, books, video stories, furniture will be displayed, in rotation, and the cottage will be opened to general public.
  3. Information about Cranleigh, environs, walking routes, nearby villages, clubs and activities, will be available at a visitors point when the cottage is open to the public, and on the website. All will be linked with other Cranleigh information websites because we all care and work together. 
  4. The spaces will also be made appropriate for various health and well-being uses, and the team will work with providers, grant bodies and other sites in Cranleigh to ensure improved services for all.  

Cranleigh deserves more than just this team of people to be looking out for it!   How can you become better informed and more involved? 

Have you looked at the minutes of Cranleigh Parish council’s full meetings, and planning meetings?

Have you seen the elections results on Waverley’s web site?  Do you look at planning applications every week too!  Waverley’s meetings minutes are worth a read, and so are Surrey’s.

Have you read about the sewage discharge scandal in full and decided to take action if you can?  click here for the full article showing how 2 men made a huge difference

Do you follow CPRE – click here  – Council for the preservation of rural England?

Do you follow SWT – click here   – Surrey Wildlife Trust?

and so on – there are plenty of volunteers working tirelessly to find out and inform us, do vital physical work as well as lobby Parliament on behalf of all.

Cranleigh Civic Society was formed in 2014 to make a big fuss about overdevelopment and the absolute crucial need to upgrade infrastructure as well as protect wildlife, farming and our mental health.  We as  a community Do care and so we ask you to show you care more by getting involved.

very best wishes to you all,

the Team



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