Cranleigh Parish Council AGM last week & Leisure Centre consultation

Parish Council AGM – Thursday 7th March 2024

It was an interesting evening in Cranleigh Village Hall

Parish Council’s work

A few Parishioners turned out to listen to the report of the past year from Chairman Marc Scully. When looking at the list of projects and maintenance that the councillors considered and decided about it is no wonder they find it quite a tough job!  It includes all planning applications in the area, being consulted with about all big projects such as the Surrey County Council’s High street improvements, Waverley Borough Council’s plans for Cranleigh Leisure Centre, and continuing work on Cranleigh Neighbourhood plan,  and the LCWIP – local cycling and walking plans!

The King’s Coronation – Prince Edward and Duchess Sophie’s visit to Cranleigh

HM Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey Michael More-Molyneux

Mr More-Molyneux and his wife attended the meeting to represent the King because of the welcome Cranleigh gave royal visitors on the occasion of His Majesty the King’s coronation. Mr More-Molyneux took along a beautiful plaque to commemorate the Royal Visit of Prince Edward and his wife Duchess Sophie. The plaque is to be displayed publicly for all to see.  He presented it to a member of the audience who received it on behalf of Cranleigh Community.  It was rather a special moment. He has lived in the county of Surrey all his life. Loseley Park has been the residence of the More-Molyneux family for over five centuries.

Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan –  it’s a good thing

Neighbourhood plans are to empower locals to have a say in where housing can be built.  Ewhurst recently voted for theirs.  Part of the Parish Council’s work this last year is to bring Cranleigh Neighbourhood plan to Referendum status – achieved – but currently suspended by a legal challenge – the reason for which is not allowed to be published – the challenger must be protected.  However it should be heard by the high court this month with any luck, then arrangements made to vote YES and adopt not long after.  It is a good plan with only a few areas of Cranleigh to be built on, and many protections and enhancements.  If and when building does occur at least the amount of CIL money (developer’s contributions) will be higher.

High Street plans are nothing to do with the Neighbourhood plan.  

The connection with High Street plans is simply that developers’ contributions must be identified at planning permission stage – so as far back as 2017 in some cases.  The Parish and Borough council asked for money to upgrade Cranleigh High Street and that money can only be spent on the agreed projects.  There are further surveys being carried out including speed surveys along the High Street. You will notice cables fixed across the road.

Cranleigh Leisure Centre presentation by Architects and Waverley officers

Another project has been to work with Waverley Borough Council to bring about plans for Cranleigh Leisure centre to be replaced by an amazing Passivhaus pool with many studios and other rooms for various uses.

It has been a long time in the planning

So that the current leisure centre doesn’t close the councillors and officers decided on the plan to build the new one in the centre of the car park, and only take down the old one when the new one is up and running.  The old one will then be taken away and car parking put in place. The sticky issue is this – parking!  firstly during the build and secondly afterwards when the business plan states that many more people will be attracted to use the centre!  Waverley urgently need sensible suggestions to answer this problem.  But also hope many people will walk and cycle whatever the weather or time of year. The plans do not include squash courts or much viewing area for swimming. There is no provision for squash courts despite squash now being an Olympic sport, and a much smaller viewing area for swimming – both of which were challenged at the meeting.

The consultation is 15th and 16th March, and on line.

Cranleigh Village Hall 2pm till 7pm Friday and Cranleigh Leisure Centre 10am till 1pm on Saturday.

Have your say by 22nd March!  web site – click here – – email –


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Jackie Sanctuary
Jackie Sanctuary
11/03/2024 9:28 PM

This is helpful, thank you. Were there any comments on matters the Parish have decision-making authority on please eg what happens to the money we pay to the Parish Council, and funds they apply for and how they are spent? Thank you.

Sue Dale
12/03/2024 9:30 AM

The leisure centre presentation and discussions took over an hour, focussing on car parking both during and after the build, lack of provision of squash courts and the Swimming Club’s disquiet because of reduced viewing area – it may close down. The consultants and Waverley reps want the public to make useful suggestions about parking.
After the presentation of the Plaque, Chair Marc Scully made his report in record time. He thanked the councillors and youth councillors, and those who run youth music and community speed watch. He mentioned some of the year’s actions – war memorial illumination, coffee concession at Snoxhall fields, more dog litter bins, antivandal strips for dugouts, re-surfacing Snoxhall car park and footpaths, tree surgery.
He explained about the Flood Forum needing to be taken on and that he will get on with it. He spoke about the Economic development forum – BID, my local bobby and CCTV.
After Chair Marc Scully’s report the main questions from the floor were about the need for drainage of the playing fields, about the need for consultation with Cranleigh people about the High Street plans and will CPC publish its ideas?
Regarding consultations – a member of the public pointed out that when consultations occur the public never finds out what happens next until a presentation takes place of what has been decided.
Marc listed many things the council has spent money on, and plans going forwards.
Re the future spending of the Parish council Marc reported that the Village Hall is due to be upgraded with a grant, the groundsmen’s machine shed will be renewed, a Multi activity games area will be installed, Snoxhall pavilion will be improved, Padel tennis will be installed on the old tennis courts, and a tennis club is being investigated.
A questioner asked why can’t the public be told the reason for the challenge to the Neighbourhood plan – Liz T explained it is a legal matter that councillors have no control over.
The Parish Council financial report was not apparent.
Marc finished by explaining that sometimes animals – dogs and cats – are left abandoned and the local vets surgery staff take them in and nurture them back to health. Many have been adopted.

Paula Boyd
Paula Boyd
23/03/2024 12:34 PM

I would like to know what the Parish Council have planned for the tennis courts which they have left in a very poor state. When I attended the Waverley consultation on the new leisure centre I was told Waverley would have liked to have taken over the tennis courts and would have renovated them. I see no reason why the parish council hang onto them but don’t make any use of them? I know that the tennis courts are on parish council land rather than Waverly land, but that doesn’t excuse their current dereliction.