New times? and Dunsfold survey. How interested are you in development in and around Cranleigh?

OOOOH Where can they build thousands of dwellings?   

Cranleigh, Dunsfold, Alfold – it goes on – Many seem to agree – if Britain is building it’s thriving!  This seems to have been said since……. 1945!

Now we have a new challenge – how many, how fast and exactly where will ‘relaxed’ planning laws allow new house building? AND can infrastructure cope?  Cranleigh is easy pickings – look at Surrey County Council interactive map – click here – look at the layers – select Green Belt to see – no protection. It is very interesting to play with and speculate….  and the new government thinks the Green Belt should be reviewed.

Cranleigh’s Neighbourhood Plan

Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted and is fixed for a few years, but work on the next one needs to start straight away – to find more sites for  more homes to meet the Government’s required targets.

Cranleigh Society is needed – can you join in?

We welcome newcomers with open arms, and wish them very well.  We understand the need for more homes, but does it feel wrong to rely on big building companies? They will build big houses and a few lower priced ones, and not be required to sort out the water, sewage, gas, electricity, roads and pavements etc. first.   What about places for people who are vulnerable or just aren’t coping? You might remember council housing. Councils have not been required to replace their sold off council properties.  There is always a housing crisis at the council. Councils are required by law to help people who really need it. This won’t go away, life happens and as a society surely we should be able to help those in need.

House building Overview 

Waverley Borough Council must, by law, find places to build on, and if Dunsfold doesn’t get built out soon – be aware – housing will have to go in other places.  By the way – anyone got a Brownfield site in mind?  How do we set about getting key infrastructure built before additional homes?  The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is designed to help communities to find places to build quality homes on. Click here to read.  So we must all work within these guidelines.


There is permission to build 1800 dwellings and a school on the aerodrome site – and one day the entire plot could take as many as 6000.

This is the message from the Rutland Group, on behalf of the land owners – Trinity College, Cambridge.

‘We want to create something truly special here, with shops, schools and facilities that will benefit residents and neighbours alike.  That’s why we asked attendees of the consultation to have their say through several activities and questions.  The choices made will help us build the infrastructure that is wanted and needed.  Our online survey is still live (if you haven’t yet completed it, please do – link here    We will publish its findings when it closes.  In the meantime, we want to share with you the most popular answers to questions we were asked in person at the consultation:

  • In Dunsfold Park’s open spaces you are most keen to find woodland, closely followed by adventure play areas and dog walking routes.
  • The three sports facilities you preferred are football pitches, outdoor gym equipment and tennis courts.
  • When it comes to community shops and services you plumped for a cinema, farm shop and food convenience store
  • In terms of more traditional infrastructure, you asked for cycle links to Cranleigh and new GP services.

This is all fantastic input. It has already been fed back to our design team, as will the online survey results, your emails and comments on social media.

Dunsfold Park will be a place that isn’t just built for its future community, but also with the needs of its neighbours at the forefront of its plans.

We will continue to update you at every stage along the way.’

If we promote Dunsfold getting built perhaps other even more sensitive sites can be saved, for now.

Please respond and help out if you possibly can – thank you

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13/07/2024 10:34 AM

Listening to the new Government s comments, it seems certain areas of Green belt will also be considered for new developments and new legislation may render NYMBY’s irrelevant. Personally seems on a local basis that opposition to Dunsfold garden village and other large developments has resulted in more development possibly in the wrong location around the Cranleigh and Alfold area’s as abundance of Green belt and other constraints protect land around Farnham, Godalming and Haslemere. Therefore maybe be careful what we wish for in this part of the Borough. New legislation may result in unavoidable development being spread out more evenly.

Trevor Boud
Trevor Boud
18/07/2024 9:29 AM

If we are to get the vast number of new homes in and around Cranleigh, which is already overloaded and under strain on the roads, and with the supply of water, the adequacy of the new new drainage channels which are smelling and not clean, then I consider we need a new large supermarket and shopping area with large treed and free parking area to cater for Cranleigh, Allfold, Dunsfold and Godalming. This would best be placed on the side of Dunsfold for easy access for outside visitors, and the bulk of the additional housing schemes in that area.
Preferably a new village/town needs to be created for the proposed new numbers, with new medical facilities, new access roads, more schools (already there are not enough places available for the pupils wishing start school), etc, etc.